Research capacity development
Fuse legacy: Inspiring the SPHR Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme

The Fuse rapid response and evaluation service 'AskFuse' inspired the NIHR School for Public Health Research to develop its own response funded evaluation programme.
The Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme (PHPES) enables public health professionals to work in partnership with School researchers to conduct rigorous evaluations of their interventions and was introduced in 2013 after the establishment of AskFuse.
PHPES focuses on local, rather than national, public health initiatives that have not been the subject of previous robust evaluations but have the potential to be applicable elsewhere and have secured operational funding for the research period. The scheme has been evaluated in comparison with AskFuse and AskFuse staff were involved in a recent evaluation of the scheme to inform and shape its redesign in preparation for the re-launch of PHPES in 2020.
In its second phase of funding, the School employed a dedicated Knowledge Exchange Broker, modelled on the existing KEB role in Fuse, with Fuse core members supporting the design and recruitment of this post and informing the School’s Knowledge Exchange Strategy. The implementation of this strategy is a key part of this new role, which aims to work with SPHR members on knowledge exchange activities that support its strategic objectives.
You can read more about the legacy of Fuse here.
Fuse content: AskFuse
SPHR website: Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme (PHPES)
Linked SPHR themes/programs: Public Health Practice Evaluation Scheme (PHPES)
Last modified: Thu, 21 Jan 2021 10:56:54 GMT