Much of the work in the group is funded by the Wellcome Trust. In compliance with the Trust's policy, almost all of our papers are freely available via the website of the publishing journal (Open Access). Links below will take you to the paper's entry in PubMed, from where the full text can be freely downloaded.
- Galán F, Baker SN. Pre-Synaptic inhibition of afferent feedback in the macaque spinal cord does not modulate with cycles of peripheral oscillations around 10 Hz. Front. Neural Circuits. 9:76.
- Galán F, Baker SN. Deafferented controllers: a fundamental failure mechanism in cortical neuroprosthetic systems. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 9:186.
- Galán F, Baker MR, Alter K, Baker SN. Degraded EEG decoding of wrist movements in absence of kinaesthetic feedback. Human Brain Mapping 36(2).
- Witte M*, Galán F*, Waldert S, Braun C, Mehring C (*contributing equally). Concurrent stable and unstable cortical correlates of human wrist movements Human Brain Mapping 35(8).
- Baker MR, Jaiser SR. Mutations in the SPG7 gene cause chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia through disordered mitochondrial DNA maintenance Journal of Neurology 137, 1323-1336.
- Sohal HS, Jackson A, Jackson R, Clowry GJ, Vaisilevskiy K, O'Neill A and Baker SN. The Sinusoidal Probe: a new approach to improve electrode longevity. Frontiers in Neuroengineering.
- Zimmermann JB and Jackson A. Closed-loop control of spinal cord stimulation to restore hand function after paralysis. Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics.
- Fisher KM, Chinnery PF, Baker SN, Baker MR. Enhanced reticulospinal output in patients with (REEP1) hereditary spastic paraplegia type 31. Journal of Neurology 260, 3182-3184.
- Yi X, Fisher KM, Lai M, Mansoor K, Bicker R, Baker SN. Differences between Han Chinese and Caucasians in transcranial magnetic stimulation parameters. Experimental Brain Research.
- Pistohl T, Cipriani C, Jackson A, Nazarpour K. Abstract and Proportional Myoelectric Control for Multi-Fingered Hand Prostheses. Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
- Jaiser SR, Baker MR, Whittaker RG, Birchall D, Chinnery PF. Clinical Reasoning: A 39-year-old man with abdominal cramps. Neurology 81, 5-9.
- Soteropoulos DS, Edgley SA and Baker SN Spinal commissural connections to motoneurons controlling the primate hand and wrist. The Journal of Neuroscience 33,9614-9625.
- Yarnall AJ, Rochester L, Baker MR, David R, Khoo TK, Duncan GW, Galna B and Burn DJ Short latency afferent inhibition: A biomarker for mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson's disease? Movement Disorders.
- Baker MR, Baker SN. Beta-adrenergic modulation of tremor and corticomuscular coherence in humans. PLoS One.
- Sanei, S., Ferdowsi, S., Nazarpour, K. and Cichocki, A. Advances in EEG signal processing. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.
- Jackson, A. and Nazarpour, K. Motor learning explored with myoelectric and neural interfaces. Routledge Handbook of Motor Control and Motor Learning.
- Jackson, A. and Zimmermann, J.B. Neural interfaces for the brain and spinal cord-restoring motor function. Nature Reviews Neurology 8, 690-699.
- Nazarpour, K., Al-Timemy, A.H., Bugmann, G, and Jackson, A. A note on the probability distribution function of the surface electromyogram signal. Brain Research Bulletin 90, 88-91.
- Witham, C.L. and Baker, S.N. Coding of Digit Displacement by Cell Spiking and Network Oscillations in Monkey Sensorimotor Cortex. A Journal of Neurology 108, 3342-3352.
- Rochester, L., Yarnall, A.J., Baker, M.R., David, R.V., Lord, S., Galna, B. and Burn, D.J. Cholinergic dysfunction contributes to gait disturbance in early Parkinson's disease. Brain: A Journal of Neurology 135, 2779-2788.
- Nazarpour, K., Ethier, C., Paninski, L., Rebesco, J. M., Miall, R. C. and Miller, L. E. EMG prediction from motor cortical recordings via a non-negative point process filter. IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Engineering 59, 1829-1838.
- Nazarpour, K., Barnard, A. and Jackson, A. Flexible cortical control of task-specific muscle synergies. Journal of Neuroscience 32, 12349-12360.
- Fisher, K.M., Zaaimi, B., Williams T.L., Baker, S.N. and Baker M.R. Beta-band intermuscular coherence: a novel biomarker of upper motor neuron dysfunction in motor neuron disease. Brain: A Journal of Neurology 135, 2849-2864.
- Fisher, K.M., Zaaimi, B. and Baker, S.N. Reticular Formation Responses to Magnetic Brain Stimulation of Primary Motor Cortex. Journal of Physiology 590, 4045-4060.
- Soteropoulos, D.S., Williams, E.R. and Baker, S.N. Cells in the Monkey Ponto-medullary Reticular Formation Modulate Their Activity with Slow Finger Movements. Journal of Physiology 590, 4011-4027.
- Witham, C.L. and Baker, S.N. Reply from C. L. Witham and S. N. Baker. Journal of Physiology 590, 2531-2533.
- Zaaimi, B., Edgley, S.A., Soteropoulos, D.S. and Baker, S.N. Changes in descending motor pathway connectivity after corticospinal tract lesion in macaque monkey. Brain: A Journal of Neurology 135, 2277-2289.
- Perez, M.A., Soteropoulos, D.S. and Baker, S.N. Corticomuscular coherence during bilateral isometric arm voluntary contractions in healthy humans. Journal of Neurophysiology 107, 2154-2162.
- Baker, S.N. The primate reticulospinal tract, hand function and functional recovery. Journal of Physiology 589, 5603-5612.
- Witham, C.L. and Baker, S.N. Modulation and transmission of peripheral inputs in monkey cuneate and external cuneate nuclei. Journal of Neurophysiology 106, 2764-2775.
- Soteropoulos, D.S. and Perez, M.A. Physiological changes underlying bilateral isometric arm voluntary contractions in healthy humans. Journal of Neurophysiology 105, 1594-1602.
- Zimmermann, J.B., Seki, K. and Jackson, A. Reanimating the arm and hand with intraspinal microstimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering 8, 1-9.
- Soteropoulos, D.S., Edgley, S.A. and Baker, S.N. Lack of evidence for direct corticospinal contributions to control of the ipsilateral forelimb in monkey. Journal of Neuroscience 31, 11208-11209.
- Telenczuk, B., Baker, S.N., Herz, A.V. and Curio. G. High-frequency EEG covaries with spike burst patterns detected in cortical neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 105, 2951-2959.
- Baker, M.R., Smith, K.V. and Seidi, O.A. Pathergy Test: How to do it? Practical Neurology 11, 301-302.
- Witham, C.L., Riddle, C.N., Baker, M.R. and Baker, S.N. Contributions of Descending and Ascending Pathways to Corticomuscular Coherence in Humans. Journal of Physiology 589, 3789-3800.
- Baker, M.R., Fisher, K.M., Whittaker, R.G., Griffiths, P.G., Yu-Wai-Man, P. and Chinnery, P.F. Subclinical multi-system neurological disease in "pure" OPA1 autosomal dominant optic atrophy. Journal of Neurology 133, 771-786.
- Cassidy, A.J., Williams, E.R., Goldsmith, P., Baker, S.N. and Baker, M.R. The man who could not walk backward: an unusual presentation of neuroferritinopathy. Movement Disorders 26, 362-364.
- Nazarpour, K., Ethier, C., Paninski, L., Rebesco, J., Miall, R. and Miller, L. EMG prediction from Motor Cortical Recordings via a Non-Negative Point Process Filter. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
- Jackson, A. and Fetz, E. Interfacing With the Computational Brain. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 17, 534-541.
- Witham, C.L., Wang, M. and Baker, S.N. Corticomuscular coherence between motor cortex, somatosensory areas and forearm muscles in the monkey. Frontiers in System Neurosicence 4.
- Williams, E.R., Soteropoulos, D.S., Baker, S.N. Spinal interneuron circuits reduce approximately 10-Hz movement discontinuities by phase cancellation. National Academy of Sciences 107, 11098-11103.
- McDonald, C., Newton, J., Lai, H.M., Baker, S.N. and Jones, D.E. Central nervous system dysfunction in primary biliary cirrhosis and its relationship to symptoms.. Journal of Hepatology 53, 1095-1100.
- Riddle, C.N. and Baker, S.N. Convergence of pyramidal and medial brain stem descending pathways onto macaque cervical spinal interneurons. Journal of Neurophysiology 103, 2821-2832.
- Williams, E.R., Jones, R.E., Baker, S.N. and Baker, M.R. Slow orthostatic tremor can persist when walking backward. Movement Disorders 25, 788-790.
- Baker, M.R., Whittaker, R.G., Yu-Wai-Man, P., Griffiths, P.G., et al. Multi-system neurological disease is common in patients with OPA1 mutations. Journal of Neurology 133, 771-786.
- Baker, M.R. Stiff Person Syndrome and Variants. Encyclopedia of Movement Disorders 3, 171-180.
- Baker, M.R., Fisher, K., Lai, M., Duddy, M. and Baker, S.N. Slow orthostatic tremor in multiple sclerosis. Movement Disorders 24, 1550-1553.
- Soteropoulos, D.S. and Baker, S.N. Quantifying neural coding of event timing. Journal of Neurophysiology 101, 402-417.
- Williams, E.R. and Baker, S.N. Circuits generating corticomuscular coherence investigated using a biophysically based computational model. I. Descending systems. Journal of Neurophysiology 101, 31-41.
- Williams, E.R., Soteropoulos, D.S. and Baker, S.N. Coherence between motor cortical activity and peripheral discontinuities during slow finger movements. Journal of Neurophysiology 102, 1296-1309.
- Williams, E.R. and Baker, S.N. Renshaw cell recurrent inhibition improves physiological tremor by reducing corticomuscular coupling at 10 Hz. Journal of Neurophysiology 29, 6616-6624.
- Fisher, K.M., Lai, H.M., Baker, M.R., Baker, S.N. Corticospinal activation confounds cerebellar effects of posterior fossa stimuli. Clinical Neurophysiology 120, 2109-2113.
- Riddle, C.N., Edgley, S.A. and Baker, S.N. Direct and indirect connections with upper limb motoneurons from the primate reticulospinal tract. Journal of Neuroscience 29, 4993-4999.
- Duddy, M.E., Baker, M.R. Stiff person syndrome. Front Neurol Neurosci 26, 147-165.
- Radhakrishnan, S.M., Baker, S.N. and Jackson, A. Learning a novel myoelectric-controlled interface task. Journal of Neurophysiology 100, 2397-2408.
- Soteropoulos, D.S. and Baker, S.N. Bilateral representation in the deep cerebellar nuclei. Journal of Physiology 586, 1117-1136.
- Kennelly, M.M., Baker, M.R., Birchall, D., Hanley, J.P., Turnbull, D.M., Loughney, A.D. Hyperemesis gravidarum and first trimester sagittal sinus thrombosis. J Obstet Gynaecol 28, 453-454.
- Jackson, A. and Fetz, E.E. Compact moveable microwire array for long-term chronic unit recording in cerebral cortex of primates. Journal of Neurophysiology 98, 3109-3118.
- Baker, S.N. Oscillatory interactions between sensorimotor cortex and the periphery. Current opinion in neurobiology 17, 649-655.
- Witham, C.L., Wang, M. and Baker, S.N. Cells in somatosensory areas show synchrony with beta oscillations in monkey motor cortex. The European Journal of Neuroscience 26, 2677-2686.
- Soteropoulos, D.S. and Baker, S.N. Different contributions of the corpus callosum and cerebellum to motor coordination in monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 98, 2962-2973.
- Mitchell, W.K., Baker, M.R. and Baker, S.N. Muscle responses to transcranial stimulation in man depend on background oscillatory activity. Journal of Physiology 583, 567-579.
- Witham, C.L. and Baker, S.N. Network oscillations and intrinsic spiking rhythmicity do not covary in monkey sensorimotor areas. Journal of Physiology 580, 801-814.
- Duddy, M.E. and Baker, M.R. Images in clinical medicine. Harlequin's darker side. New England Journal of Medicine 357, 20
- Baker, M.R. and Mahad, D.J. Drug-induced disorders of the nervous system. Clinical Medicine 7, 170-176.
- Jackson, A., Mavoori, J. and Fetz, E.E. Correlations between the same motor cortex cells and arm muscles during a trained task, free behaviour, and natural sleep in the macaque monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 97, 360-374.
- Riddle, C.N. and Baker, S.N. Digit displacement, not object compliance, underlies task dependent modulations in human corticomuscular coherence. Neuroimage 33, 618-627.
- Jackson, A., Mavoori, J. and Fetz, E.E. Long-term motor cortex plasticity induced by an electronic neural implant. Nature, 444(7115), 56-60.
- Jackson, A., Baker, S.N. and Fetz, E.E. Tests for presynaptic modulation of corticospinal terminals from peripheral afferents and pyramidal tract in the macaque. Journal of Physiology 573, 107-120.
- Davies, R.M., Gerstein, G.L. and Baker, S.N. Measurement of time-dependent changes in the irregularity of neural spiking. Journal of Neurophysiology 96 , 906-918.
- Baker, S.N., Chiu, M. and Fetz, E.E. Afferent encoding of central oscillations in the monkey arm. Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 3904-3910.
- Soteropoulos, D.S. and Baker, S.N. Cortico-cerebellar coherence during a precision grip task in the monkey. Journal of Neurophysiology 95, 1194-1206.
- Jackson, A. et al. The Neurochip BCI: towards a neural prosthesis for upper limb function. In: IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 14(2), pp. 187–190.
- Baker, M.R. and Edgley, S.A. Non-uniform olivocerebellar conduction time in the vermis of the rat cerebellum. Journal of Pyisiology 570, 501-506.
- Riddle, C.N. and Baker, S.N. Manipulation of peripheral neural feedback loops alters human corticomuscular coherence. Journal of Physiology 566, 625-639.
- Mavoori, J., Jackson, A., Diorio, C. and Fetz, E,E. An autonomous implantable computer for neural recording and stimulation in unrestrained primates. Journal of Neurosci Methods 148, 71-77.
- Riddle, C.N., Baker, M.R. and Baker, S.N. The effect of carbamazepine on human corticomuscular coherence. Neuroimage 22, 333-340.
- Wetmore, D.Z. and Baker, S.N. Post-spike distance-to-threshold trajectories of neurones in monkey motor cortex. Journal of Physiology 555, 831-850.
- Spinks, R.L., Baker, S.N., Jackson, A., Khaw, P.T. and Lemon, R.N. Problem of dural scarring in recording from awake, behaving monkeys: a solution using 5-flurouracil. Journal of Neurophysiology 90, 1324-1332.
- Baker, S.N., Curio, G. and Lemon, R.N. EEG oscillations at 600 Hz are macroscopic markers for cortical spike bursts. Journal of Physiology 550, 529-534.
- Evans, C.M.B. and Baker, S.N. Task dependent inter-manual coupling of 10-Hz discontinuities during slow finger movements. European Journal of Neuroscience 18, 453-456.
- Jackson, A., Gee, V.J., Baker, S.N. and Lemon, R.N. Synchrony between neurons with similar muscle fields in monkey motor cortex. Neuron 38, 115-125.
- Baker, M.R. and Baker, S.N. The effect of diazepam on motor cortical oscillations and corticomuscular coherence studied in man. Journal of Physiology 546, 931-942.
- Riddle, C.N., Baker, M.R. and Baker, S.N. The effect of carbamazepine on human corticomuscular coherence. NeuroImage 22, 333-340.
- Baker, S.N., Pinches, E.M. and Lemon, R.N. Synchronization in monkey motor cortex during a precision grip task. II. Effect of oscillatory activity on corticospinal output. Journal of Neurophysiology 89, 1941-1953.
- Kilner, J.M., Salenius, S., Baker, S.N., Jackson, A., Hari, R. and Lemon, R.N. Task-dependent modulations of cortical oscillatory activity in human subjects during a bimanual precision grip task. Neuroimage 18, 67-73.
- Jackson, A., Spinks, R.L., Freeman, T.C.B., Wolpert, D.M. and Lemon, R.N. Rhythm generation in monkey motor cortex explored using pyramidal tract stimulation. Journal of Physiology 541 685-699.
- Olivier, E., Baker, S.N. and Lemon, R.N. Comparison of direct and indirect measurements of the central motor conduction time in the monkey. Clinical Neurophysiology 113, 469-477.
- Musial, P., Baker, S.N., Gerstein, G., King, E. and Keating, J. Signal-to-Noise ratio improvement in multiple electrode recording. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 115, 29-43.
- Kilner, J.M., Baker, S.N., and Lemon, R.N. A novel algorithm to remove electrical cross-talk between surface EMG recordings and its application to the measurement of short-term synchronisation. Journal of Physiology 538, 919-930.
- Jackson, A. and Lemon, R.N. Motor control: Forcing neurons to change. Current Biology 11 708-709.
- Olivier, E., Baker, S.N., Nakajima, K., Brochier, T. and Lemon, R.N. Investigation into non-monosynaptic corticospinal excitation of macaque upper limb single motor units. Journal of Neurophysiology 86, 1573-1586.
- Pauluis, Q., Baker, S.N. and Olivier, E. Precise burst synchrony in the superior colliculus of the awake cat during moving stimulus presentation. Journal of Neuroscience 21, 615-627.
- Baker, S.N., Spinks, R., Jackson, A. and Lemon, R.N. Synchronization in monkey motor cortex during a precision grip task. I. Task dependent modulation in single unit synchrony. Journal of Neurophysiology 85, 869-885.
- Baker, S.N. and Gerstein, G.L. Determination of response latency and its application to normalization of cross-correlation measures. Neural Computation 13, 1351-1377.
- Baker, M.R., Javid, M., Edgley, S.A. Activation of cerebellar climbing fibres to rat cerebellar posterior lobe from motor cortical output pathways. Journal of Physiology 536, 825-839.
- Burgess, N., Jackson, A., Hartley, T. and O’Keefe, J. Predictions derived from modelling the hippocampal role in navigation. Biological Cybernetics 83 301-312.
- Kilner, J.M., Baker, S.N., Salenius, S., Hari, R. and Lemon, R.N. Human cortical muscle coherence is directly related to specific motor parameters. Journal of Neuroscience 20, 8838-8845.
- Baker, S.N. and Gerstein, G.L. Improvements to the sensitivity of gravitational clustering for multiple neuron recordings. Neural Computation 12, 2597-2620.
- Baker, S.N. and Lemon, R.N. Precise spatiotemporal repeating patterns in monkey primary and supplementary motor areas occur at chance levels. Journal of Neurophysiology 84, 1770-1780.
- Pauluis, Q. and Baker, S.N. An accurate single trial firing rate measure for non-stationary neural discharge, with application to unitary joint-event analysis. Neural Computation 12, 647-669.
- Baker, S.N., Philbin, N., Spinks, R., Pinches, E.M., Pauluis, Q., Wolpert, D.M., MacManus, D.G., and Lemon, R.N. Multiple single unit recording in the cortex of monkeys using independently moveable microelectrodes. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 94, 5-17.
- Kilner, J.M., Baker, S.N., Salenius, S., Jousmäki, V., Hari, R. and Lemon, R.N. Task-dependent modulation of 15-30 Hz coherence between rectified EMGs from human hand and forearm muscles. Journal of Physiology 516, 559-570.
- Baker, S.N., Olivier, E. and Lemon, R.N. An investigation of the intrinsic circuitry of the motor cortex of the monkey using intra-cortical microstimulation. Experimental Brain Research 123, 397-411.
- Pauluis, Q., Baker, S.N. and Olivier, E. Emergent oscillations in a realistic network : the role of inhibition and the effect of the spatiotemporal distribution of the input. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 6, 27-48.
- Baker, S.N. and Lemon, R.N. A computer simulation study of the production of post-spike facilitation in spike triggered averages of rectified EMG. Journal of Neurophysiology 80, 1391-1406.
- Maier, M.A., Olivier, E., Baker, S.N., Kirkwood, P.A., Morris, T. and Lemon, R.N. Direct and indirect corticospinal control of arm and hand motoneurons in the squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus). Journal of Neurophysiology 78, 721-733.
- Baker, S.N., Olivier, E. and Lemon, R.N. Coherent oscillations in monkey motor cortex and hand muscle EMG show task-dependent modulation. Journal of Physiology 501, 225-241.
- Baker, S.N., Olivier, E. and Lemon, R.N. Task-related variation in corticospinal output evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation in the macaque monkey. Journal of Physiology 488, 795-801.
- Baker, S.N. and Lemon, R.N. Non-linear summation of responses in averages of rectified EMG. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 59, 175-181.
- Baker, S.N., Olivier, E. and Lemon, R.N. Recording an identified pyramidal volley evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation in a conscious macaque monkey. Experimental Brain Research 99, 529-532.